Executive Coaching
Hands down, the best executive coach is the Holy Spirit. Our Counselor guides us in everyday situations and high-stakes situations. We can learn from Him and trust Him just like the prophets and saints that went before us.
Joseph saved Egypt and Israel by listening to and trusting in God’s guidance.
Esther changed a nation’s mind by stepping into the role God provided for her.
King David was the man after God’s own heart and led a nation to complete prosperity.
Paul listened to God and planted churches throughout the world.
If you need guidance in your corporate career, let’s listen to the Holy Spirit together.
God made us to lead together. God’s a triune God, working together between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Where there is no guidance, a people falls,
But in an abundance of counselors there is safety.
- Proverbs 11:14
If you need a Christian thought partner to help you make leadership decisions or navigate tricky situations, let’s talk. Saver Street’s commitment is to do the most good.
Our Process
Executive coaching at Saver Street might look a little different than most executive coaching.
We prioritize prayer before the session, assessing strengths and areas for development using the ProfileXT, and staying open to the Holy Spirit’s involvement in corporate decisions.
In short, our process is to:
Before the session and during the session if you want
Use the ProfileXT and other assessment tools to find blindspots
Settle on areas of growth and how to tackle them
Wrestle through uncomfortable truths in a gentle way to grow
Get feedback from those around you to see how you’ve grown
Daniel advised the kings of Babylon and Medo-Persia. He was listed as one of the most righteous men in the world in Ezekiel.
Let’s make wise decisions with God’s help.
If that sounds good to you, let’s talk.