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Outreach can be easy and effective.

Reach your local community for Jesus. 

Train your volunteers in effective evangelism.


Get access to Church Outreach-in-a-Box for FREE.

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Church Outreach-in-a-Box is an easy and effective outreach program that follows the missionary outreach model.

Watch the video if you want the FULL explanation. 


Church Outreach-in-a-Box is a proven, easy, and effective local outreach program for Jesus-loving, Jesus-serving, and Bible-believing churches.


More specifically, Church Outreach-in-a-Box is a group of courses and workshops that bring people from the community into your church, so you can get to know them. They get help in their lives from the courses and hear real stories about God from your church members.


Church Outreach-in-a-Box uses the Missionary Outreach Model.


The Missionary Outreach Model.png

The missionary outreach model simply follows God’s design for reaching each community in a relational and loving way. That means you’re helping your community with a basic need to show them you care.


While providing tangible help, your church will share the good news of Jesus Christ with 5-minute, specific personal testimonies and give your community an opportunity to hear from God Himself through optional prayer. After all, that’s what Jesus did.

Church Outreach-in-a-Box makes it easy for you to reach your community for Jesus by taking the hard parts out of outreach. The shipped box includes:

  • A full financial literacy course with videos and workshop guides

  • A print facilitator's guide for easy reading and setup

  • A testimony and evangelistic conversations training workshop guide with videos

  • An online facilitator's guide for easy and immediate access to videos, trainings, etc.

  • A customizable promotion schedule (add your start date and it auto-populates your suggested schedule)

  • Flyer templates

  • Pulpit announcement drafts

  • Social media drafts and images 

  • Email drafts for promotion, registration, volunteer calls, and follow-up

  • Volunteer roles and responsibilities outlined

  • The course notes and an answer key

  • A contact to help you get it all set up at your church

If I use Church Outreach-in-a-Box, what would that look like?

There are effectively two programs that you're running through Church Outreach-in-a-Box:

  1. Volunteer gathering and training in effective evangelism

  2. Program for the community


Let's go through a timeline to make sure you know what you're getting into. 

Financial Abundance Facilitator’s Guide for Amazon Printing 8.5x11 (1).png

Don't let this timeline intimidate you. 


You're really only signing up and training volunteers and signing up people for a course and holding the course. Then you're sending one email to your attendees to check in. 


All the emails, slides, announcements, registration form, course videos, etc. are included and available for you!


My entire goal is to facilitate effective evangelism within our local communities. 

  • What's in the box?
    Great question. The Church Outreach-in-a-Box box contains: A print Facilitator's Guide, so you have all the pieces of the program in one place Access to the Online Facilitator's Guide, which gives you access to course videos and training videos An attendee's Workbook, so you know what your attendees will need to be part of the program A one-page overview of your available materials A sample promotion schedule with links to templates A sample promotional flyer A printout of the announcement slides (fully customizable) A printout of the example church announcements (again, fully customizable) A printout of sample social media posts (use them or don't - your call) A business card, so you can get in touch with me Let me know if you need anything else! You'll also get immediate access to the Online Facilitator's Guide as soon as you fill out the Order a Box submission form.
  • How does this program work?
    Church Outreach-in-a-Box is two separate programs in one: A church member effective evangelism training program (active listening, listening to the Holy Spirit, and giving a 5-minute testimony) A community education program with personal stories First, the facilitator trains Jesus-loving church members and volunteers in effective evangelism. That program includes pieces on: - Effective Evangelism: Actively listening to the person in front of you - Effective Evangelism: Actively listening to the Holy Spirit while listening to the person in front of you - Effective Evangelism: Translating the gospel to the person's situation - Effective Evangelism: Praying for salvation with a new friend - Effective Evangelism: Following up with that new friend - Public Speaking in Class: Giving a 5-minute testimony to the class - Greeting: Welcoming guests into the church Second, the facilitator and organizer put on the education program for the community. This involves promoting the course in the community and then running the course. To date, most courses end up with about 1.5x the sign ups that pastors expect. It's a great way to welcome those who haven't ever set foot in a church into a church building and creating friendships with the Church itself.
  • What other programs are available? What is coming next?
    Right now, our flagship Financial Abundance program is available within Church Outreach-in-a-Box. Financial Abundance is a financial literacy program that helps adults learn about budgeting, financial goal setting, estate planning, saving and investing, beliefs and behaviors, talking to your spouse about money, teaching kids about money, and insurance. Our next programs will be: - Get a New Full-Time Job (in development) - Eldercare and Its Decision Points (accepting outline submissions) - Nutrition: Keeping Your Body Healthy with Food (accepting outline submissions) If you have any other ideas, let me know. The goal of these courses is to help people with their baseline needs: health, security, employment, resource management, etc. That's how your church can help your community. As you're helping, you build relationships and show people what God has done in individual lives. You're going to get a few people wanting to know more and a lot of people rejecting Jesus. But Jesus asks us to try, right? Let's share God's love together.
  • Is the Financial Abundance course a quality course?
    Yes. The Financial Abundance program was recorded professionally at a church in Belmont, MA and edited professionally as well. Catherine Van Der Laan created the course herself. She has 10+ years of experience creating educational material in video, live, and in print. She holds two certifications in financial literacy education, CFEI and CFLP, has a degree in neuropsychology, and has worked with over 400 individuals and couples in financial coaching. Catherine took two years to develop and test this course before including it in Church Outreach-in-a-Box. But don't take my word for it! Come and see. 😊 If you order the box, you'll get a print Workbook and a print Facilitator's Guide so you can see the print quality. If you access the free Online Facilitator's Guide, you can watch the course videos in their entirety.
  • Is the box really free?
    Yes! We are committed to giving each Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church a box. It's completely free of charge. Please don't throw it out. The boxes cost us about $35 + shipping, so please take care of it and use it well. Thank you! If you'd rather pay for it, let me know. I'm happy to send you an invoice.
  • How can I access the Online Facilitator's Guide?
    You can access it using this link here: It's free to access.
  • Is this a "bait-and-switch" program? Will it make my church look bad?
    No. This is not a "bait-and-switch" program and it will not make your church look bad. A "bait-and-switch" is when you don't tell someone what will happen and you do something contrary to their expectations. In this program, you, your congregation, and your facilitator will tell anyone who is interested in or is attending the program that the last 5 minutes of the class will include a personal story from someone in the congregation of the church. Please mention that that story will likely include what God has done in their lives and an invitation to pray. The facilitator is trained to tell attendees that they can leave before and during the last 5 minutes of class if they are uncomfortable. Most people will not leave. As long as the people who sign up for the program know that there will be a 5-minute personal story, it's not a bait-and-switch and will not make your church look bad.
  • How do you make money from this?
    We don't make much money from this. The only way we make money is from the sale of the books: workbooks and facilitator's guides. Our goal is to equip the church to make new and lasting relationships with people in their communities, so those people can warm up and make a decision to follow Jesus with their lives. At the moment, we're operating at a loss on this project. That's okay for right now. Our goal is to gather treasure in heaven.
  • What's the difference between Financial Abundance and FPU?
    Great question. Financial Abundance and FPU are wildly different programs that contain a similar financial literacy component. Both programs contain similar financial literacy components like budgeting, insurance, saving and investing, and relating with money. Financial Abundance focuses much more on getting down to the beliefs, behaviors, and values level. The Financial Abundance course is shorter - only 7 weeks - and addresses how to talk with your spouse about money and how to teach your kids about money from a developmental point of view.
  • Are the workbooks required for attendees?
    No and yes. Let me explain. No, technically they are not required in order to attend the course. That said, in order to complete the activities and workshops within the course, it would be very helpful for each attendee to have a workbook. It's hard to take a quiz if you can't see the quiz. It's hard to do an activity if you can't read the instructions. I suggest doing one of two things: You can have a free-to-register course and link everyone to the Amazon page for buying the workbook, which is around $40 or You can charge everyone $40 (or more) for the course at registration and order the workbooks for people. I suggest the second option. It feels better for people to pay for a course and get a book with it than to pay for a book for a "free" course. They're much more likely to show up, too. If you'd like to buy in bulk, let me know. I can ship books out to you in bulk.
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